Carnations By type

Carnations are excellent cut flowers. They display real staying power, outlasting most other flowers in a vase, bouquet, or boutonniere. With their sweet scent of cloves and many bright and colorful petals, carnations add beauty and fragrance to any room or event.

They are generally known as an excellent filler flower for vases and bouquets of all sorts. Pair them with roses-by-type, hydrangeas, Anthurium or any other of our premium quality flowers for a truly beautiful mixture to add life to your wedding or event.

Wholesale and Bulk Carnations

These pretty blooms are very versatile flowers. Did you know that carnations are also edible? They can be used as a gorgeous decoration on  a wedding cake, you can add them to your favorite salsa dish for tang and a splash of color, or freeze them in ice cubes for a surprise in a cocktail.

To keep your cut carnation flowers looking as beautiful and vibrant as possible for up to three weeks, make sure to have them away from direct sunlight, other sources of heat, or cold drafts. Add flower food and change the water every couple days to maximize their freshness. 

Flower Explosion has a better selection of flowers than any of our competitors. Instead of selling you two week old flowers, we source direct from the farm to make sure that we can deliver to you the freshest, most glamorous blooms available.
Get affordable wholesale carnations today and enjoy FREE shipping!