There’s a reason roses are so frequently used as an ingredient in the most decadent perfumes: Their smell is heavenly. These beautiful, classic flowers are perfect for many occasions, from birthdays to anniversaries, and first-dates to Mother’s Day. Many people assume that because these flowers are so beautiful and in such high demand, that they’re out of their price range, but the truth is that when you buy bulk roses, you can afford fresh cut roses for less than you might think.

Great Discounts on Fresh Cut Roses
Flower Explosion offers saver packs of these fragrant, blooming wholesale flowers for as little as $0.89 per stem and you can also choose from a range of options, including 16, 20, and 24 inch stems. Free shipping is included on all bulk orders, which means the price you see is exactly the price you pay.

Choosing the Best Color for Your Occasion
You can choose from up to 15 different colors or color combinations. Perhaps you want to buy your flowers all in lavender, or you may want to take advantage of a combination of yellow and pink or yellow and red. With these lovely fresh cut roses , it’s impossible to go wrong, but you certainly have the option to choose the right color for your special event.

You can also choose other flowers, like bulk hydrangeas, based on the colors represent. Traditionally, red signifies love, white represents purity and innocence, pink is the color for appreciation and thankfulness, yellow signifies gladness and friendship, peach is for gratitude, and lavender is the color for enchantment. Use these other flowers with roses to create stunning centerpieces for your event.

No matter which color you choose, one thing is for sure: Roses are perfect for every occasion. Visit us today at to learn more and peruse our extensive inventory!

September 10, 2013 — admin