Let fresh cut flowers work their effect on your wedding day
[caption id="attachment_95" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Fresh cut flowers"]
Ah, the magic effect that fresh cut flowers have on us! There is no substitute for natural flowers, well presented, freshly cut and fragrant. I have yet to see anyone walk past unseeing when fresh flowers have been arranged. Put them at the entrance to the church on your wedding day, or on a table near the reception hall entrance, and people will pause -- perhaps only momentarily -- and enjoy them. They're almost like magnets. Our eyes are drawn, and when we're close we will be able to enjoy their fragrance. For this reason many brides will go to great lengths to bring fresh flowers to the church or to her table at the wedding reception. They make the day so much more enjoyable.

Ah, the magic effect that fresh cut flowers have on us! There is no substitute for natural flowers, well presented, freshly cut and fragrant. I have yet to see anyone walk past unseeing when fresh flowers have been arranged. Put them at the entrance to the church on your wedding day, or on a table near the reception hall entrance, and people will pause -- perhaps only momentarily -- and enjoy them. They're almost like magnets. Our eyes are drawn, and when we're close we will be able to enjoy their fragrance. For this reason many brides will go to great lengths to bring fresh flowers to the church or to her table at the wedding reception. They make the day so much more enjoyable.