Are "fresh-cut flowers" from local flower markets really fresh?

How to buy fresh cut flowers directly from the grower's farm.
June 18, 2010 — admin

How to choose your wedding roses

The main steps to choose wedding flowers. 1.Flower 2.Origin 3.Size. 4.Color. 5.Date
June 03, 2010 — admin

Fresh cut flowers always "work" their magic

Fresh cut flowers are the Mercedes-Benz of weddings and special events. You will find them whenever people put on their best clothes and go to one of those occasions where the guest list is carefully limited and the venue is deliberately staged to look sumptuous. Fresh flowers have a way of finishing off all the other decorating efforts in the venue, and focusing people on beauty and poise. They are an essential. So they often do not come cheap.
June 02, 2010 — admin